The Army Cadets will be joining us on the 22nd May on the 75m
The competition for a Club Badge is to be resurrected. Members are invited to submit ideas. The Committee will select a shortlist for members to vote. Look out for the noticeboard in the clubroom.
The Inter-Club Competition (75m fullbore) will be on Sunday 12th September - we won the cup last year, would be great to retain it again this year
The competition for a Club Badge is to be resurrected. Members are invited to submit ideas. The Committee will select a shortlist for members to vote. Look out for the noticeboard in the clubroom.
The Inter-Club Competition (75m fullbore) will be on Sunday 12th September - we won the cup last year, would be great to retain it again this year
The date for the Family Day and BBQ has been changed to Saturday 10th July. Shooting on 25m only and the day of the annual benchrest competition. Look out for the list and get your name down - we need to know how many will be attending for the catering.
Sheila has taken over the running of the competitions as Geoff has stood down from the Committee so he can concentrate on his shooting. Thanks for all the work you've done on the committee Geoff.
Winners of April Comps
25mtr Free Standing
1st Matt
75mtr Military Rifle (Modified)
1st Geoff
2nd Matt
3rd Dave
75mtr Military Rifle (Standard)
1st Phil
2nd Lee
3rd Brian
2nd Lee
3rd Brian
May Competitions
25m Rimfire Turning Targets (Standing) (Bolt action)
75m Lever-Action
Committee Meeting 8th May
Guest Day is on 29th May (by prior arrangement)