Thursday, 23 December 2010

Gun Control - Commons Debate 20th Dec

The NRA have published a summary of the debate in the Commons on 20th Dec on their website

The NRA have advised that -

"During the course of the debate three key issues emerged that seemed to gain general approval from the Government side as matters to look at:

a. Young people – a unified or simplified age for possession and/or use – In relation to young people the NRA view is that there should be no set age for when children are allowed to shoot under supervision and if it is thought necessary to introduce an age related requirement it should be ten (the minimum age for criminal responsibility) for issue of a Shotgun/Firearms Certificate.
b. Increased police/GP liaison over certificates – The NRA have expressed concern as to how firearms users details will be safeguarded on the current NHS IT system, when considering the number of staff that would have access to such information. In addition we had concerns as to how the requirement was going to work operationally. ACPO and the Home Office are currently considering another less bureaucratic option.
c. Having one certificate for S1 & 2 firearms – The current proposal will make life less onerous for those individuals who need to renew firearms and shotgun certificates. However, those who purely hold a shotgun certificate will potentially find that they have to meet additional requirements, similar to those for firearms certificate holders in terms of referees and ‘good reason’. The NRA has stated that it does not support the effective reclassification of shotguns as Section 1 because of the potential for increased administration placed upon the Police and the consequential delays dealing with new applications or renewals.
d. Increased FAC Charges – Linked to the previous point the NRA are of the opinion that the Government should look at the possibility of removing responsibility for Firearms Licensing from the Police by centralising it. In this way shooters would experience a more consistent approach and potential for a better more efficient service at a reduced cost."

Monday, 20 December 2010

Report on Gun Control published

The Government's Home Affairs Committee published its report on gun control today

Home Affairs Committee

Comments on the news -

NRA - you can download the full report from here too (It's 187 pages long, but the conclusions and recommendations are pages 60-65)
BBC News

Saturday, 18 December 2010

Friday, 17 December 2010

NSRA/Eley Postal Competition

I've received the stickers now. The final date for shooting Round 1 is Saturday 5th Feb 2011.

Sunday, 12 December 2010


It was good to see that so many members braved the journey for the AGM, the lane and the car park were very icy, but thankfully Carl had put ultra-efficient heating in the clubhouse and it was like a sauna!

The minutes will be sent out in due course, but here's a summary of the key points

The new Committee is

  • Chairman - Ian
  • Secretary - Janet
  • Treasurer - Sheila
  • Members - Sid, Andy T, Matt, James, Dave B, Andy G

Membership fees are increasing to

  • Full Member - £105
  • Senior/Junior/Committee - £84
  • Family Membership £189 (2 people from same family

The Club Rules and Constitution have been revised
Sid is taking over responsibility for Club rifles

The Annual Shield was won by ..... Matt, who was way ahead of the rest!

Christmas Shoot Results

Results of the Christmas competitions

Turkey Shoot

1st - Dave W
2nd - Clynton
3rd - Matt

Back-to-Front Comp*

1st - Matt (103)
2nd - Jacqui (99)
3rd - Janet, Andy A, Dave W (98)

Thanks to Sheila for making the mince pies and Fred for providing the sherry, and thanks to Ray for scoring the competitions

* for anyone concerned about health and safety, it's the target that's back-to-front, not the shooter!

Sunday, 5 December 2010

An Interesting Read

Found this interesting article promoting target shooting as a sport, from the BBC

A lesson from Scotland's shooting stars

(Thanks to the BBS Forum)

Saturday, 4 December 2010

Coming up in December

11th December

In the morning it's the Christmas Shoot - with prizes for the Turkey Target and the devilish 'Back to Front' Target.

In the afternoon it's the AGM and presentation of the Annual Shield.

18th December

Is the final shoot before Christmas - and it's a Guest Day. So let Janet know if you want to bring a guest asap to get them booked in.

The Range will be closed on 25th December, but it will be open on 1st January

... and don't forget that membership renewals are due by 31st January. The membership fees for 2011 will be decided at the AGM and the forms will be sent out shortly afterwards.

Keep safe and warm ...

Thursday, 2 December 2010

November Results

The Arnold Kalin Trophy (25m pistol) results

1st      Geoff (65)
2nd     Brian (62)
3rd     Phil (61)

Club 7.62 results

1st     Matt, who was the only one to shoot it!