Tuesday, 18 December 2012

Membership Renewals

The renewal forms will be sent out in the next week or so. The membership fees will remain the same this year - £110 (full fee) and £89 (reduced fee).

Payment is due by 31st January please

AGM 2012

The AGM was held on 15th December and was well-attended.

Ian Mace stood down after 6 years as Chairman and Andy Green was elected as the new Chairman.

Janet Taylor was re-elected as Secretary and Sheila Scott as Treasurer.

Vernon Stuffins stood down as President.

The trophies and shields for the competitions were presented after the AGM - here's a selection

The Annual Shield and 'Top Man' Trophy was awarded to Andy Armitage

and the 'Top Lady' Trophy was awarded to Janet Taylor

Andy A was awarded a book of excuses after coming coming last in Michael's Clay Challenge, along with a box of cartridges so he could practice some more!

The Back to Front Competition was won by Matt

Results of the Turkey Shoot
1st - Janet (meat voucher)
2nd - Matt (champagne)
3rd - Andy A (Christmas puddings)

Monday, 26 November 2012

December competitions & Guest Day

The annual turkey shoot will be in the morning of 15th December (must be finished by 12.30) First prize will be £25 meat voucher. There will also be the 'back-to-front' competition, with more prizes too

Mince pies and sausage rolls will be available
The AGM is on 15th Dec, starting at 1pm and afterwards the prizes for the 2012 competitions will be awarded.

The club will be open over the Christmas period as usual. The 29th December is a guest day,if you would like to bring a guest please let Janet have their details by 15th December (a bit earlier than usual)

.... and don't forget to get your entries in for the 2013 Eley competition - the sooner the better

Sunday, 25 November 2012

Beckingham - 25th Nov

Finally, we made it!

The storms on Saturday night had me a bit worried. Would anyone turn up?

I am pleased to report the rain stopped before we reached Beckingham. The winds were challenging in the morning, but the shooters did exceptionally well and achieved some fantastic groups. The afternoon shooters had much better conditions - the wind dropped and the sun came out.

Many thanks to those of you who had faith and joined us. It was a great day and hopefully the first of many.

I have tried to arrange some more bookings at Beckingham, but unfortunately the first date it's available is Sunday 3rd March (400m) and the next is 28th April (600m). This is because it's been booked out for maintenance and military activity. I have submitted bids for these dates but they won't be confirmed until nearer the time.

UPDATE: the military require the ranges on 3rd March and 28th April, so we have been gazumped! I will put in requests for further dates and keep my fingers crossed!!!

Watch this space - and click here if you would like us to send you details

Saturday, 24 November 2012

November Comps - Results

Centrefire Benchrest (Group)

1st A Taylor (10mm)
2nd J Armitage (22mm)
3rd A Armitage (42mm)
4th J Taylor (45mm)
5th S Scott (50mm)

Arnold Kalin Pistol

1st J Taylor (73)
2nd A Armitage (69)
3rd P Lee (61)
4th S Scott (19)

The Running Boar Competition was cancelled as the range was waterlogged

Saturday, 10 November 2012

Thursday, 8 November 2012

Eley Postal Competition 2013

The entry form for the 2013 Eley Postal competition is now available. It's open to all shooters, you do not have to be a member of the NSRA to enter.

Click here to download

Closing date for entries is 2nd Jan, so we will need all names in by Saturday 29th Dec** at the very latest please.

The first round has to be shot by 4th Feb, so there won't be much time once we have got the stickers back

You need to enter the class appropriate to your average score, but people who reached the finals in 2012 have to enter a higher class in 2013. If your average scores are not available, you will need to shoot some cards before we decide which class to enter you in.

This year, shooters with exceptionally high scores for their group will be reclassified by the NSRA into the appropriate class for Round 2 of the competition.

We have regularly had shooters enter the benchrest and lighteweight sporting rifle (standing) comps. We've also had entries in the prone competition and we could probably accommodate the 3-Position and the LSR timed competitions.

The entry fee is £6 per event.

The list will be on the board in the Club Room (or you can email Janet)

** We will be sending off a list of names on 17th Dec so we get the stickers in good time. But, if you miss this date we will send a supplementary list to meet the final 2nd Jan deadline

Wednesday, 7 November 2012

Firearms Licensing - online services

Did you know that you can now notify the Firearms Dept electronically if you sell/acquire firearms or to notify change of address

Click here for the online forms for Lincolnshire

Northern Arms Fair at Newark 2nd Dec

Black Powder Licence - changes

From June 2012 there was a change in the legislation and a new 'COER' Control of Explosives Certificate was introduced which removes the requirement to apply to the HSE for a separate approval to transport explosives. The new Certificate is available from Firearms Licensing Depts.
Click here for more information

Sunday, 4 November 2012

AGM - 15th December

Our AGM will be at 1pm on 15th December this year.

The Christmas Shoot will take place in the morning as usual, with the turkey target and back-to-front target. There will also be a raffle for the Christmas Hamper.

Following the AGM the trophies and shields for the competitions held throughout the year will be presented, including the annual shield for the overall winner.

The formal notification and the agenda will be sent out in due course.

Safe Shooter Session 17th Nov

We are now in a position to arrange regular visits to Beckingham (the next visit is on Sunday 25th Nov) and you will need a Safe Shooter Card if you want to attend. 

Carl's running a Safe Shooter session for us on Saturday 17th November from 1pm to 3pm (ish). There is no charge for the training for club members, but the cards cost £7

Please let Janet know if you wish to attend the training session, and if you are interested in the shoot at Beckingham on the 25th

Friday, 2 November 2012

Beckingham - 25th Nov

We are booking the 400m Range at Beckingham for Sunday 25th November. (The 600m has already been booked by the Notts & Derby Vintage Arms Society)

The cost will be £25 per person

Max calibre 7.62/.308.

Members of local NRA clubs are welcome to join us.
Shooters must be over 16 and have FAC, Club Membership Card and NRA Safe Shooter Card

Click here to email if you are interested

Thursday, 1 November 2012

Military Fair at Newark 4th Nov

Young Shots at Riseholme

Youngsters, aged between 7 and 17, experienced seven different activities on the day; fly fishing (Salmon and Trout Association), clay shooting (CSPA), gun dogs, hawking (Woodside Falconry), ferreting, target air rifle shooting (NASR) and archery.

Sunday, 28 October 2012

November Competitions

No one shot the Arnold Kalin competition in October, so it has been carried into November. It's a pistol comp (rimfire, centrefire or black powder)

So during November there will be 3 competitions to have a go at

  • Arnold Kalin Pistol, 25m
  • Running Boar, 50m (.22 rifles)
  • Centrefire Benchrest, 75m
The final date for entries is 24th Nov.

In addition, the Junior Challenge (for the under 25s) runs until 24th November and the Under 25 Clay Shoot is on 3rd Nov at 2pm

Michael's Clay Challenge - Results

1st J Cook 49 ex 50
Runner up I Evans 48 ex 50
3rd J Lumley 46 ex 50
4th S Scott 46 ex 50
5th S Powell 41 ex 50
6th A Watkins-Groves 40 ex 50
7th D Williams 38 ex 50
8th E Abbas 36 ex 50
9th A Evans 32 ex 50
10th A Armitage 28 ex 50 (winner of the box of cartridges)

Wednesday, 17 October 2012

Changes to the ISSF Rules

The ISSF undertakes a major review of its rules once every four years with the intention of implementing the changes on 1 January of the year following the Olympic Games. A note of the intentions for changes for 2013-16 is available on the ISSF website click here.

The NSRA will be reviewing their rules in due course

Royal Mail Consultation

The NSRA website has some information about a proposal to prohibit sending firearms, airguns and component past in the post

For more information click here to go to the full article and click here to go to the consultation document

Tuesday, 9 October 2012

Oct 20th

There will be burgers for lunch on 20th October

We are running an RCO course on the 20th October, which means there will be limited access to the club room on that day during the training session. Apologies for any inconvenience this causes.

Sunday, 7 October 2012

Michael's Challenge

For the clay shooters, Michael's running another challenge, running until the end of October. The remaining dates are 13th, 20th and 27th October.

All members are welcome to have a go. If you haven't got a shotgun, you can borrow one!

Results - .22 Sporting rifle

This competition was shot at 75m in the kneeling/sitting position at a rabbit target

1st J Taylor (61)
2nd A Armitage (55)
3rd G Nelson (34)
4th J Armitage (25

The October competition is the Arnold Kalin Pistol competition

Results - Club .223 Competition

This was the 'Summer Challenge' and ran from July to September. Members were allowed repeat attempts, with the best group to count

1st S Scott (28mm)
2nd I Evans (30mm)
3rd J Armitage (35mm)
4th J Taylor (36mm)
5th A Armitage (40mm)

Results - Military Rifle

The Military Rifle Competition was extended until the end of September

1st G Nelson (85)
2nd I Mace (42)
3rd P Coulson (25)

There was only one participant in the Modified Military Rifle competition

1st G Nelson (102)

Sunday, 30 September 2012

October Competition

The October competition is Arnold Kalin Competition - freestanding pistol

10 shots

Rimfire (PL 15 target)
Centrefire or Black Powder (PL12 target)

Saturday, 29 September 2012

Beckingham - change of date

We will not be shooting with Hull at Beckingham on 7th October.

The Sunday Club (Lincoln & District) have booked the 600m range at Beckingham for Sunday 28th October and we are invited to join them.

You will need your FAC, Safe Shooter Card and Club membership card with you

Please let me know asap if you are interested so I can let L&D know as they will need to get the names of guests approved by Beckingham in advance.

UPDATE: The shoot on 28th October has been cancelled as not enough people were interested 

Tuesday, 25 September 2012

Sporting Rifle Comp

Saturday's your last chance to enter the .22 Sporting rifle competition

Kneeling/sitting at 75m (rabbit target)

Junior Challenge - deadline extended

The deadline has been extended to 24th November

For the under 25s only

Multiple entries permitted - so if you don't shoot very well you can have another go!

Club rifles only

.22 and .357 at 25m
.22 and .223 at 75m

Friday, 21 September 2012

Sportivate Newsletter

We have an article in the October Sportivate Newsletter

click to enlarge

Sunday, 9 September 2012

L&D Interclub Competition

It was the L&D Interclub today. Unfortunately we didn't know until the last minute so we were't able to let everyone know.

However, we managed to get a team of 4 together ... and the good news is that we won!

Ten shooters took part from L&D and Reepham

Reepham   385
L&D         344

with Andy T getting the highest score of 98 - well done

We'll be presented with the Club Trophy when it's returned from North Cotes

Well done to Andy A, Andy T, Jacqui & Janet and thanks to L&D for organising it.

Sportivate Week 6

This is the final week of the Sportivate Course, but some of the participants who started late due to family holidays will continue for a few weeks more.

We had another 'Polo' success, with Emma successfully shooting the hole without breaking the Polo

click for larger image

Shooting the .223 has been popular 

and so has the clay shooting

And everyone has got on really well with the .22 shooting

Certificates were awarded this week and we hope to see them back soon as members of the club. 

Thank you to all the members who have helped with this project and given their time to make it a success. It has been very hard work, but it's been great to see the enjoyment the youngsters have had.

All the photos are on Facebook 

Saturday, 1 September 2012

Sportivate Week 5

Another great day. More practice with the .22 rifles and .223 fullbore rifles. Some had a go with the black powder pistol!

One week left to go ...

Forest Lodge Guns Anniversary Shoot

Three clubs took part in the interclub shoot on August Bank Holiday.

Congratulations to North Cotes Butts who had the winning team and won the CZ Rifle

The top 3 shooters were

1st J. Rhodes (North Cotes Butts) (128) - Forest Lodge Voucher
2nd C Scott (Repham Shooting Centre) (123) - two gun slips
3rd R Sullivan (North Cotes Butts) (118) - boxed penknife

Prizes were presented by John Workman from Edgar Brothers and Chris Comins from Forest Lodge.

Thanks to Mike for doing the BBQ and Fred and Ray for the scoring.

A raffle was held to raise funds for Help for Heroes and brings the total raised to date to £276.84. This concludes the fund raising for this year and a cheque has been sent to H4H.

Clay Target Shooting

If you are interested in Clay Target Shooting you may like to have a look at www.clayshootingsuccess.co.uk/

They have produced this booklet on the psychology of clay target shooting (a lot of the advice is applicable to all forms of shooting)
Click here

Saturday, 25 August 2012

Sportivate Week 4

Managed to avoid the thunderstorm today, that started after we all finished this time!

Ten teenagers today, all shooting .22 rifles. Sheila set a 'Polo' challenge - they had to try to shoot the hole in the Polo without breaking it. A VERY difficult challenge, but Robbie managed to leave one Polo intact - well done! There will be more Polos next week!

(click for larger image and zoom in)

They are all getting very good shots and some have progressed to standing shooting.

 Some quotes from the participants
"When I first heard about the Reepham Shooting Centre I was excited and a little nervous. I had shot a few times in America with my mates but had no experience with guns in England. When I arrived I was glad to see that I was not the only youth there. Having the club with people of all ages really helps to calm you nerves. Everyone Is really nice and all the adults are engaging and helping and even let you shoot a few rounds from their guns." Robbie

 "I have done benchrest .22 shooting and some clay pigeon shooting with a shotgun. I like the clay pigeon shooting but it does hurt my shoulder! I prefer target shooting with the .22 and I like to try and get a closer group each time. The club is really friendly and supportive and I want to join properly when the course is over." Emma

"I have enjoyed every minute, it has been very enjoyable as well as educational. The instructors explain everything and are approachable. I am seriously considering joining the club as a full time member." Joseph

Thursday, 23 August 2012

NRA RCO Course

We are running at NRA Range Conducting Officer Course on 20-21 October at the club.

There are a couple of places available for local clubs. The cost is £75 per person, which is much cheaper than travelling and staying at Bisley

If you are interested contact Janet Taylor

Update - this course is now fully booked

Sunday, 19 August 2012

July Comps - results

Bill Grocock Trophy (3-position)

1st A Armitage (148)
2nd K Beecham (140)
3rd J Taylor (139)
4th S Scott (136)
5th J Armitage (123)

Benchrest - Andy Taylor Trophy & Shield

1st M White (98)
2nd J Taylor (97)
3rd A Armitage (97)
4th S Scott (96)
5th J Armitage (96)
6th C Scott (96)
7th H Boone (95)
8th K Beecham (94)
9th A Evans (91)

The scores were incredibly tight! Thanks to Ray for adjudicating.

Smallbore Target Shooting Website

This is an ideal website for place for beginners (and a refresher for the rest of us).


It includes information about the history of shooting, explains the core shooting skills and there's practice exercises to help you improve your shooting.

The book is plugged on every page - but I have a copy and can recommend it. Although it only covers the prone position, there are lots of tips that you will find useful.

They also have an online shop now

Peritum Shooting Services

Shooting at Beckingham

Good news! Shooting at Beckingham is on again. This is usually on the first Sunday of the month

We are shooting with the Hull club, but it is restricted to clubs who have an MOD Licence to shoot at Beckingham. This is a condition of the MOD Licence, not due to decisions by any of the clubs involved.

As soon as other clubs have their MOD licence approved we can all share the same booking and share the costs.

Shooting is from 10 to 3. The cost will be more than previously charged as we have to ensure that the booking fees and wardens fees are covered. The cost has not been finalised yet.

You will need to have with you - your FAC, your RSC membership card and the NRA Safe Shooter card

If you are interested in shooting at Beckingham please let Janet know

Click here to email Janet

Monday, 13 August 2012

Bank Holiday Interclub Day - 27th Aug

We are hosting an Interclub Day for Forest Lodge Guns to celebrate 25 years in business.

All local clubs are invited to take part. There is an interclub competition with a CZ .22 rifle for the winning club and prizes for 1st, 2nd & 3rd individuals. The competition is .22 prone, 75m using BM/89 target. Front rest/sling and any sights permitted (no back rest).
There will also be air shooting activities, a BBQ and a raffle to raise funds for Help For Heroes
Entry fee £5

Should be a good day, hope you can join us

Link to Forest Lodge Guns website

Saturday, 11 August 2012

Sportivate Week 2

Much better weather today! Glorious sunshine, so the youngsters had an opportunity to have a go at clay shooting on the field and prone shooting on the 75m range.

Some excellent groups today - well done!

Thanks to Sheila, Andy, Sid and Michael for helping today.

If the weather holds next week, there will be more shooting on the 75m and we may get the 'big guns' out for those getting good groups again.