Tuesday, 18 December 2012

Membership Renewals

The renewal forms will be sent out in the next week or so. The membership fees will remain the same this year - £110 (full fee) and £89 (reduced fee).

Payment is due by 31st January please

AGM 2012

The AGM was held on 15th December and was well-attended.

Ian Mace stood down after 6 years as Chairman and Andy Green was elected as the new Chairman.

Janet Taylor was re-elected as Secretary and Sheila Scott as Treasurer.

Vernon Stuffins stood down as President.

The trophies and shields for the competitions were presented after the AGM - here's a selection

The Annual Shield and 'Top Man' Trophy was awarded to Andy Armitage

and the 'Top Lady' Trophy was awarded to Janet Taylor

Andy A was awarded a book of excuses after coming coming last in Michael's Clay Challenge, along with a box of cartridges so he could practice some more!

The Back to Front Competition was won by Matt

Results of the Turkey Shoot
1st - Janet (meat voucher)
2nd - Matt (champagne)
3rd - Andy A (Christmas puddings)