Good luck to Vernon, Andy and Janet who are off to Bisley next Saturday for the finals of the postal competition - it's the first time we've had anyone reach the finals, so we're keeping our fingers crossed.
The details for the 2011 postal competition are now available. See Janet for more information if you're interested or download here
There's several disciplines, but the ones we usually shoot are the .22 Benchrest and the .22 Freestanding Lightweight Sporting Rifle.
The way it works is as follows -
There's 3 or 4 Classes for each discipline based on average scores, this means that you'll be competing against people of a similar standard.
Round 1 - the targets are scored by the club and the scores sent off, if you're in the top 50% you go through to the next round
Round 2 - the targets are sent off for scoring, and if your scores are good enough you'll be invited to the finals
The Finals - are held in October at Bisley
You'll need to let Janet know which disciplines you want to shoot and what your average scores are by December 4th