Saturday, 31 December 2011
Game Fair at Belvoir Castle
In 2012 the Game Fair will be 20-22 July 2012 at Belvoir Castle, near Grantham
Click here for more information
Wednesday, 28 December 2011
New NSRA Postal Comp
We have received information about a new postal competition for NSRA members
The entry form was sent out with the Winter edition of
The Rifleman and NSRA News and is also available as a download
from the NSRA website"
Click to download more information
Entry costs £6.75 and the closing date for entries is 1st Feb - please let Janet know by 28th January at the lastest if you are interested
"For the
first time in its history, the NSRA will be organising, on a trial basis, an
Individual Postal League in the 2012 Summer season.
league will be in Lightweight Sport Rifle, the course of
fire being LSR Standing Any Sights at 20 yards or 25 metres. Participation is
limited to shooters who are not registered as members of teams in the
equivalent Club Team competition (LSR Standing Any Sights Team League - Comp.
Part of the
benefit of the new league will be that competitors will be eligible for
inclusion in the RWS National Ranking, as published annually in The Rifleman,
which has previously been limited to those who shoot in the Club Team League.
Click to download more information
Entry costs £6.75 and the closing date for entries is 1st Feb - please let Janet know by 28th January at the lastest if you are interested
Friday, 16 December 2011
Annual Shield Results
Annual Shield Results
Congratulations to Matt for a second year at the top
1st Matt
2nd Geoff
3rd Andy A
Click here to see the final scoreboard
Thursday, 15 December 2011
Shooter Certification Cards
The NRA shooter certification cards expire on 31st Dec.
The new ones are valid for 4 years and will cost £7, which is what the NRA charge the club for them. You will need one if you want to shoot at Beckingham, Bisley or any other MOD range.
The next date for Beckingham is 8th January
The new ones are valid for 4 years and will cost £7, which is what the NRA charge the club for them. You will need one if you want to shoot at Beckingham, Bisley or any other MOD range.
The next date for Beckingham is 8th January
Christmas Competition Results
Turkey Shoot
1st Janet (meat voucher)
2nd Andy A (wine)
3rd Paul C (Christmas puds)
Back-to-Front Target
1st Jacqui (chocolates)
Hamper Raffle
Andy A
Club 7.62 Results
1st Matt
2nd Andy T
3rd Dave B
4th Bernie
5th Sid
1st Janet (meat voucher)
2nd Andy A (wine)
3rd Paul C (Christmas puds)
Back-to-Front Target
1st Jacqui (chocolates)
Hamper Raffle
Andy A
Club 7.62 Results
1st Matt
2nd Andy T
3rd Dave B
4th Bernie
5th Sid
AGM News
The AGM was held on 10th December.
The fees for 2012 have increased slightly
The fees for 2012 have increased slightly
- Full fee £110
- Reduced fee £89
The renewal forms will be available at the club for the next couple of weeks, any not collected will be posted. Payment is due by the 31st January please. Late payments will incur an additional £20 fee.
Saturday, 3 December 2011
Arnold Kalin Trophy
Results of the Arnold Kalin pistol competition in November
1st Paul C
2nd Janet
3rd Geoff
Saturday, 12 November 2011
AGM & Christmas Shoot - 10th Dec
I have informed as many members about the AGM as possible by email, the rest by post. If you haven't received your letter yet, please let Janet know asap.
The AGM will be at 2pm on the 10th Dec and the traditional Christmas shoot will take place in the morning from 10am.
The next Guest Days are 26th November and 31st December - let me know if you would like to bring a guest with you
The AGM will be at 2pm on the 10th Dec and the traditional Christmas shoot will take place in the morning from 10am.
The next Guest Days are 26th November and 31st December - let me know if you would like to bring a guest with you
Sunday, 6 November 2011
Eley Postal Comp 2012
If you'd like to take part this year, I need your names by 3rd December. It costs £5 per entry.
Full details here
The first round to be shot by 4th Feb
We got 2 people through to the final stage this year, but unfortunately they weren't able to compete.
Full details here
The first round to be shot by 4th Feb
We got 2 people through to the final stage this year, but unfortunately they weren't able to compete.
Saturday, 5 November 2011
More Results !
Clay Shoot
Thanks to Sid & Sheila for donating the Shield for this comp
1st Tony S
2nd Andy G
3rd Andy T
4th Michael W
5th Paul C
6th Tony B
7th Mark S
8th Vernon
9th Sid
10th Andy A
11th Alan
12th Ken
Centrefire Best Group at 75m
1st Andy T
2nd Andy A
3rd Janet T
4th Matt
5th Jacqui
6th Sheila
It's the Arnold Kalin pistol comp this month
Friday, 4 November 2011
Beckingham Range
A group of members went shooting at the Beckingham 600m Range on 30th October as guests of Hull RC. They had a fantastic time and are keen to go again.
The good news is we've been invited back again on Sunday 27th November. If you'd like to come along you will need a shooter certification card and have your FAC available.
If you haven't got a certification card we will be running a training session on the 12th November (from 1pm)
Let Janet know asap if you want to go to Beckingham and/or want to do the training.
Saturday, 29 October 2011
Introductory Course for Juniors
This is an exciting new venture for us.
We are running a 3 month introductory course for young people aged 14 or over on Saturday afternoons. It is suitable for people doing the Duke of Edinburgh courses or the Scouting Master at Arms Activity Badge (see here for more info).
The course will cover safety awareness, training on handling firearms and coaching on developing your target shooting skills. You will start with smallbore rifles (.22 calibre) and will also shoot the fullbore rifles (.223 and .308 calibre).
The course starts on Saturday 5th November, places are limited. Please get in touch for details of the next course
If you would like to know more please contact the Club Secretary
We are running a 3 month introductory course for young people aged 14 or over on Saturday afternoons. It is suitable for people doing the Duke of Edinburgh courses or the Scouting Master at Arms Activity Badge (see here for more info).
The course will cover safety awareness, training on handling firearms and coaching on developing your target shooting skills. You will start with smallbore rifles (.22 calibre) and will also shoot the fullbore rifles (.223 and .308 calibre).
If you would like to know more please contact the Club Secretary
Bacon Butties
We know how popular they are, so we're going to cook bacon butties on the last Saturday every month (guest day)
Thanks Sheila
Thanks Sheila
Running Boar Results
A good turn out for this comp
Semi Auto
1st Matt (37)
2nd Andy A (29)
3rd Paul C (26)
4th Carl (18)
5th Vernon (14)
6th Andy T (13)
7th Tony S (12)
8th Ken B (12)
9th Tony B (11)
Bolt Action
1st Matt (74)
2nd Carl (58)
3rd Vernon (57)
4th Paul (42)
5th Steve (39)
6th Andy T (34)
7th Andy A (32)
8th Ken B (31)
Sunday, 2 October 2011
7.62 Club Rifle Results
This competition has been running since the start of the year.
1st M Anderson, 48
2nd A Taylor, 43
3rd D Betts, 35
4th B Russell, 30
5th S Scott, 29
Wednesday, 28 September 2011
September Competition Results
The Bill Grocock competition -
1st Matt 146
2nd Andy
A 145
3rd Jacqui 143
4th Ken
B 142
5th Dave
W 139 (3 centre bulls)
6th Mike
Y 139 (no centre bulls)
7th Sheila 137
8th Paul
C 135
As Matt is the highest scorer who
has NOT won this trophy before, he will hold it until next
Scoreboard updated
Scoreboard updated
Saturday, 24 September 2011
Please sign petition
Please consider signing the petition asking the government to reclassify .22 pistols as class 1 firearms.
At least 100,000 signatures are required for the government to consider this. As of today there are 2003 signatories.
Follow the link below to find the petition
The closing date is 8.8.2012
Sunday, 18 September 2011
Running Boar Competition
Due to technical difficulties, we will be continuing with the running boar competition in October.
Apologies for any inconvenience. THE RUNNING BOAR COMPETITION HAS NOW ENDED
Apologies for any inconvenience. THE RUNNING BOAR COMPETITION HAS NOW ENDED
Sunday, 11 September 2011
Interclub Results
L&D hosted the fullbore interclub comp today. A good day, shame about Hurricane Katia being in the vicinity!
Well done to North Cotes who won the team comp
North Cotes 370
Reepham 367
Saturday, 3 September 2011
Fullbore Interclub Comp - Sunday 11th September
We are taking part in the Interclub competition again this year. It is organised by Lincoln & Ditsrict R&PC (the Sunday club) and is always a good day.
It's a fullbore prone comp on the 75m range and any member can come along and have a go. We can provide a rifle for you to use if you don't have one of your own. The top 4 scores for each team go forward as the team score.
We have won for the last couple of years, let's hope we can maintain our standards
Hope to see you there
Details of last year's comp here
It's a fullbore prone comp on the 75m range and any member can come along and have a go. We can provide a rifle for you to use if you don't have one of your own. The top 4 scores for each team go forward as the team score.
We have won for the last couple of years, let's hope we can maintain our standards
Hope to see you there
Details of last year's comp here
Monday, 29 August 2011
Results of Bank Holiday Interclub Comp
We had a great day at the Range today, with shooters from Lincoln & District RPC and Paul Lane RPC (from Huddersfield) joining us for our first Interclub Benchrest Competition. (Paul Lane website)
The targets were the tiny UKBR22 targets, a challenge for everyone in the blustery conditions. Some of the shooters from Paul Lane had recently returned from the World UKBR Championships in America, so we knew the competition would be tough.
Congratulations to Paul Lane for winning the Team competition
The targets were the tiny UKBR22 targets, a challenge for everyone in the blustery conditions. Some of the shooters from Paul Lane had recently returned from the World UKBR Championships in America, so we knew the competition would be tough.
Congratulations to Paul Lane for winning the Team competition
- Paul Lane 1493 - out of 1500 max
- RSC 1480
- L&D 1460
The Top Shooter was Alan Lomax from Paul Lane with 499 out of a 500 maximum
and Carl from L&D, with 491 (in 9th place)
Full results here
A long list of thank you's ...
- to Vernon & Carl - the recent improvements to the range made such a difference and received lots of positive comments
- Forest Lodge Guns for sponsoring the event and Chris Cumins for presenting the prizes
- to Mike - for another wonderful BBQ
- to Geoff & Fred and the guys from Paul Lane for the scoring duties
- to Janet, Andy, Sheila & Sid for all the hard work behind the scenes
- to the Paul Lane shooters for travelling so far to join us and being patient with us
- and to everyone who took part and made it such an enjoyable day
Hope to see you again next year!
Sunday, 28 August 2011
Running Boar Comp
Due to a technical hitch we were unable to finalise the running boar competition yesterday, so it will be carried forward to September
Friday, 19 August 2011
Bisley Live - in September
Around 30,000 visitors and 200 exhibitors will be gathering for the inaugural Bisley Live show being held at Bisley from Friday 30 September to Sunday 2 October. This show represents a milestone in game fairs where visitors, for the first time, will be able to try firearms before purchase.
In addition to the exhibitors promoting their products and services there will be a country fashion show, gun dog demonstrations, lectures on care and maintenance of guns, gun valuations, game food hall, lectures and shooting competitions.
Tickets are available online and on arrival. Prices for NRA members start at £15.00 for adults, with two days at £27.00 and three days at £35.00. Seniors and children pay less.
More info at
Sunday, 14 August 2011
Benchrest Competition - Monday 29th Aug
The next Interclub Competition is looming
Hope you can make it - there will be a BBQ and clay shooting too
Tuesday, 2 August 2011
July Results
Results of the 75m Smallbore Sporter Competition (Sitting/Kneeling)
1st Steve (74)
2nd Geoff (68)
3rd Matt (65)
1st Steve (74)
2nd Geoff (68)
3rd Matt (65)
4th Lindsey (62)
5th Sheila (61)
6th Vernon ( 58)
7th Brian (56)
8th Ken B (52)
9th Andy A (44)
10th Rob (26)
That’s the most that have competed this year, a good effort!
The August Competition is the 50m Running Boar
....and don't forget the new Interclub Benchrest Competition on the 29th August (Bank Holiday Monday)
Thursday, 21 July 2011
Monday, 18 July 2011
Family Day
We had typical July weather for the BBQ this year!
But we had a really good turn out - 75 members and guests joined us - which was absolutely amazing given the rotten weather.
It was reasonably dry on the 25m range so we had plenty of takers for the benchrest and air pistol competitions. It brightened up in the afternoon and we managed to get the archery and clay shooting underway.
It wouldn't have happened without the help from members - a very big thank you to
- Vernon & Carl for the marquee, helped by Sid, Dave and Andy
- Sheila and Janet for organising the day, doing all the shopping and preparing the food
- Janet's Mum for helping prepare the food
- Sheila's daughter for the cakes
- Andy T for the air pistol shooting
- Sid and Dave for the clay shooting
- Andy A for the archery
- Mike for the fantastic BBQ
The Club Benchrest Competition was won by Janet, who was also the Top Lady shooter
The Top Man shooter was won by David, a guest and non-shooter!
1st J Pashley (91) Wine
2nd J Webb (86) Quality Street
3rd D Roberts (83) Maltesers
1st K Peutrill (18) Wine
2nd S Scott (15) Quality Street
3rd J Cook (12 Maltesers
3rd J Cook (12 Maltesers
We'll try to do better with the weather next year ...
Thursday, 7 July 2011
Interclub Comp - 29th August
The next Interclub comp is on August Bank Holiday Monday
A benchrest comp for .22 rifle and air rifles on equal terms ... now there's a challenge!
Come and support your Club - lots of local clubs have been invited. We hope to have a BBQ again
Monday, 4 July 2011
June Results
Centrefire Precision 75m (Prone position, supported)
1st Carl (85)
2nd Andy A (79)
3rd Matt (73)
4th Andy T (65)
1st Carl (85)
2nd Andy A (79)
3rd Matt (73)
4th Andy T (65)
Saturday, 11 June 2011
Eley Round 2 Results
Congratulations to Andy T and Vernon who are both through to the finals at Bisley in October
Benchrest Comp
Class B
Andy T......398 - Finalist
Janet .......394
Carl .......391
Vernon ...389
Matt .......388
Class C
Mike ....390
Standing Comp
Class B
Janet ....373
Matt ....362
Class C
Vernon ...366 Finalist
Class D
Andy A ...350
Benchrest Comp
Class B
Andy T......398 - Finalist
Janet .......394
Carl .......391
Vernon ...389
Matt .......388
Class C
Mike ....390
Standing Comp
Class B
Janet ....373
Matt ....362
Class C
Vernon ...366 Finalist
Class D
Andy A ...350
Friday, 10 June 2011
Invite to North Cotes Butts - Sunday 26th June
North Cotes Butts (near Mablethorpe) have invited us to take part in their annual 'Baikal Challenge' on Sunday 26th June.
There are lots of shooting activities from 10am to 12.30 including
The Baikal challenge starts at 1pm. Using their baikal single shot non-ejector at ground targets. They say eye protection is compulsory and is the most fun comp you have experienced.
£300 worth of prizes
Ring Martin on 0777 619696 for more info
More info about NCB here
Directions here
There are lots of shooting activities from 10am to 12.30 including
- 100m .22 RF sporting match with club Gecco ammo (supplied)
- Hip clay pigeon comp
- Clay shoot (50 bird sporting)
- and more besides
The Baikal challenge starts at 1pm. Using their baikal single shot non-ejector at ground targets. They say eye protection is compulsory and is the most fun comp you have experienced.
£300 worth of prizes
Ring Martin on 0777 619696 for more info
More info about NCB here
Directions here
Saturday, 4 June 2011
May Results
Matt does it again!
Results of .22 Standing Comp ...
1st Matt ...91
2nd Andy A ...84
3rd Geoff ... 83
4th Janet ... 83
5th Richard ... 81
6th Jacqui ... 79
7th Sheila ... 77
8th Brian ... 76
Thanks to Janet for donating the trophy for this competition.
The Club badges are now available for £1. If you would like one please see Sheila.
The June comp is the 75m prone fullbore precison - Fred Atkin Trophy
Results of .22 Standing Comp ...
1st Matt ...91
2nd Andy A ...84
3rd Geoff ... 83
4th Janet ... 83
5th Richard ... 81
6th Jacqui ... 79
7th Sheila ... 77
8th Brian ... 76
Thanks to Janet for donating the trophy for this competition.
The Club badges are now available for £1. If you would like one please see Sheila.
The June comp is the 75m prone fullbore precison - Fred Atkin Trophy
Thursday, 2 June 2011
Eley Results delayed
I have been in touch with the NSRA and there is a delay in getting the results out due to sickness ... hopefully will be in the next couple of weeks
Sunday, 22 May 2011
Family Day - July 16th
Put it in your diary! Members are invited to bring along family and friends to the range to enjoy a summer BBQ and see what we get up to ... it's our way of saying thank you.
The 75m range will be closed on the day as we need the space for the marquee.
The annual .22 benchrest competition will be held on the day again. There is a trophy for the top club shooter and there will be prizes for the top man and lady from all-comers.
It's a great day for catching up with other members too ... we hope you can make it.
Thursday, 5 May 2011
Monday, 2 May 2011
May Day Interclub Competition - Results
A beautiful day, but a bit on the windy side.
It was good to meet up with shooters from North Cotes Butts, the Cadets and Lincoln & District again.
29 shooters took part in the competition, which was for the best group at 75m with a .22 rifle.
The winning team was Janet Taylor, Rob Duffie and Jacqui Armitage
1st - Reepham Shooting Centre with an average group of 0.630"
2nd - L&D with 0.835"
3rd - North Cotes with 1.134"
4th - Cadets with 1.360"
Janet Taylor from Reepham Shooting Centre was the best shot of the day with 0.505"
Some more photos will be at the Club on Saturday
Thanks to Carl & Vernon for letting us use the range for the day, Fred for scoring, Sid & Sheila for helping and to Andy & Janet for organising the day.
We are hoping to arrange another Interclub competition for the August Bank Holiday ... so get the date in your diary and watch this space
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