But we had a really good turn out - 75 members and guests joined us - which was absolutely amazing given the rotten weather.
It was reasonably dry on the 25m range so we had plenty of takers for the benchrest and air pistol competitions. It brightened up in the afternoon and we managed to get the archery and clay shooting underway.
It wouldn't have happened without the help from members - a very big thank you to
- Vernon & Carl for the marquee, helped by Sid, Dave and Andy
- Sheila and Janet for organising the day, doing all the shopping and preparing the food
- Janet's Mum for helping prepare the food
- Sheila's daughter for the cakes
- Andy T for the air pistol shooting
- Sid and Dave for the clay shooting
- Andy A for the archery
- Mike for the fantastic BBQ
The Club Benchrest Competition was won by Janet, who was also the Top Lady shooter
The Top Man shooter was won by David, a guest and non-shooter!
1st J Pashley (91) Wine
2nd J Webb (86) Quality Street
3rd D Roberts (83) Maltesers
1st K Peutrill (18) Wine
2nd S Scott (15) Quality Street
3rd J Cook (12 Maltesers
3rd J Cook (12 Maltesers
We'll try to do better with the weather next year ...