1st Gerry (81)
2nd Janet (72)
3rd Geoff (63)
4th Brian (46)
5th Matt (27)
We've had 7 new members join us so far this year - a warm welcome to all of you and I hope you enjoy shooting with us
The February Competition is the Turning Targets, which will be held on the 12th and 26th Feb
We finally managed to get all the Eley Postal targets completed and the scores have been sent off. Hopefully we'll get some members through to the 2nd stage of the competition again this year. Will probably have to wait until late March before we find out.
And finally, if you have an air gun you need to be aware of a change in the law that comes into effect in February - this is from the BASC website
"From February 2011, the Crime and Security Act 2010 makes it an offence for a person in possession of an air gun to fail to take “reasonable precautions” to prevent someone under the age of 18 from gaining unauthorised access to it.
The legal advice contained within this publication remains unchanged e.g. 14-17 year olds may still use air guns unsupervised on private premises where they have permission etc."
The BASC have a very informative fact sheet "Young People and Airguns" which contains advice about reasonable precautions for storing air guns when not in use