Saturday, 14 July 2012

Family Day

A great turn out and it looked like everyone enjoyed themselves. The weather was kind to us for most of the day, with just a light shower to interrupt proceedings at lunctime.

The hog roast went down well and so did the lovely cakes made by Sheila, Julie and Mags.

On the shooting front, Michael's Polo Challenge created a lot of interest and 5 shooters managed to shoot the hole in the middle. Congratulations to Richard and Andy who both had two polos intact.

Jacqui won the top lady place for the benchrest competition, and Andy A the top man. Janet won the dartboard challenge

The archery and crossbow activities were very popular - thanks to Andy T, Andy A & Jacqui, Carl and Adrian for bringing in the equipment for people to use.

A big thanks to the committee who donated the raffle prizes and everyone who helped make the day such a success.

Here's some photos ...