Saturday, 5 June 2010

June 2010

North Cotes Butts 13th June - Janet & Andy paid a visit to the Fun Shoot Day at North Cotes Butts Range and scooped 1st, 2nd & 3rd place on the .22 Benchrest comp on the 100m tube range (Andy shot twice and got 1st and 3rd!). There were lots of other things going on too - shotgun comps, clays, air rifles, egg & spoon on a quad bike, and axe-throwing.

NSRA/Eley Postal Competition
Club members have been successful in the NSRA/Eley postal competition. Vernon, Paul, Geoff, Andy and Janet have all received medals for getting through to the second stage of the competition. And congratulations to Vernon, Andy and Janet who got through to the Finals at Bisley in October
  • Lightweight Sporter Rifle (Standing) - Vernon (377) and Janet (380)
  • Benchrest Rifle - Andy and Janet (both scored 399)
Geoff, Andy and Janet

June Competitions
The competitions this month are both on the 75m range
  • 75m Rimfire, prone with front rest or bipod
  • 75m Centrefire, prone with front rest of bipod
Results of the May Competitions
25mtr Rimfire Bolt Action Turning Target

1st  Paul           91 points
2nd Matt          87 points
3rd Brian          83 points

75mtr Lever Action
1st Geoff          71 points
2nd Matt          70 points
3rd Lee             68 points

Committee Meeting - 14th August
Guest Day - 26th June, by prior arrangement

Next month:
The BBQ is on 10th July - put it in your diary