Sorry I'm a bit late with the updates this month.
We had the annual BBQ Family Day on Saturday. Weather was a bit too hot, lucky we had some shade so we could cool down a bit. Thanks to the members and non-members who helped out on the day especially Kathy, Janet and Sandra for helping with the food, and Geoff and Jerry for fetching the meat and rolls. Also thanks to Andy, Paul, Carl & Vernon for sorting out the marquee. The food was fantastic. There's no doubt about it, we've got some excellent local producers - beats the supermarket produce any day.
Anyway, you want to know the results.
I'll start with the shotgun comp - congratulations to Carl, who beat Paul by the closest of margins.
We had the annual BBQ Family Day on Saturday. Weather was a bit too hot, lucky we had some shade so we could cool down a bit. Thanks to the members and non-members who helped out on the day especially Kathy, Janet and Sandra for helping with the food, and Geoff and Jerry for fetching the meat and rolls. Also thanks to Andy, Paul, Carl & Vernon for sorting out the marquee. The food was fantastic. There's no doubt about it, we've got some excellent local producers - beats the supermarket produce any day.
Anyway, you want to know the results.
I'll start with the shotgun comp - congratulations to Carl, who beat Paul by the closest of margins.
They make a loverly couple!
There were 3 prizes in the Benchrest Comp (Best Score, Top Man and Top Lady) but we were only able to decide one on the day!
Loads of people scored 100 in the first round. But the marking was more stringent in the second round.
The Ladies first ... Lindsey and Janet both scored 96 in the second round, and were saved from having a shoot off by Alyson (who was a visitor) who scored a fantastic 99.
Now then Men ... Andy and Matt both scored 100 in the second round, so will be having a shoot off next week to decide who is the 'Top Man' and who will also get the 'Best Score' Trophy. You'll have to wait for the photos!
The trophies haven't been awarded for the June competitions yet. Watch this space.
The competition for July is the 75m Centrefire sporting rifle at the deer and fox targets.
Competitions for 2011
We are thinking about which competitions to run next year and we would like to know what members think. There's a list of competitions up in the club room so you can vote for the ones you would like retained. There's other types of competitions we could organise too, for example -
- the best group rather than the highest score
- shooting as many times as you want to over the year rather than a one off, with the best card counting
- a league being shot once a month with the scores accumulating, with best 10 months counting
Let us know what you think ... all ideas welcome
We're also looking for more ideas for the Club Badge - so get drawing.
We're also looking for more ideas for the Club Badge - so get drawing.
The next meeting will be on 14th August