Sunday 21 April 2013

Thursday Evening Shooting *** NEW ***

Evening shooting has started again now the lighter evenings have arrived and this year Carl has decided that the Sunday Club can shoot on Wed evenings and we can shoot on Thursday evenings from now on.

It is less formal than Saturday shooting, but is still essential that all the usual safety rules apply. Club rules apply on Thursday evening as well as Saturday. There must be a minimum of two full members present, with one as a non-shooting RO at all times. Shooters have responsibility for opening and locking up. Usually only small numbers of shooters attend, but the shooting is usually very good as the wind often drops in the early evening. Club rifles/ammo will NOT be available and there is no guarantee that a committee member will be present.

Thursday evening shooting is for full members only, no probation members as there's no one available to supervise them. Under no circumstances can guests be brought to the range - the only time guests can shoot is on an official guest day, with prior notice.

Anyone wanting to shoot on Thursday evenings should have a word with a committee members for the combination lock codes and information about opening/closing and completing the log book.